What are good carbohydrates?
Good carbohydrates, fats and proteins are macronutriens, while vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary plant products are micronutrients. Good carbohydrates are important for building up muscles. But what exactly are good and therefore important carbohydrates? Important carbohydrates are polysaccharides, or glycans, that belong to a group with monosaccharides and
disaccharides. Only the polysaccharides are good carbohydates and useful for building muscles. Examples for polysaccharides are glycogen, fibre and starch that can be found in cereal, potatoes, some fruits, vegetables and legumes. Other important carbohydrates are glycogen, that is mainly found in flesh and dietary fibre. Dietary fibre encourages the building of muscles and are found for example in whole grains, but also as cellulose and pectin in vegetables, legumes and fruits.