Freeletics Nutrition Guide – eat fit

Whether you want to build muscles or burn fat – both training and your diet are important. Your goals will be harder to reach if your body lacks nutrients.

Freeletics diet

Your diet with Freeletics will help you being more efficient during your workouts. But it is not one of those diets where you have starve yourself. You rather take care of a balanced and personalized nutrition due to your goals.
And there are more advantages to come!

Advantages of the Freeletics Nutrition Guide

The Freeletics Nutrition Guide is not a simple instruction but customized to muscle-building and fat-burning. It can help to reach the optimized impact. You will gain essential knowledge about the right menu. It comes as an easy read with simple step-by-step instructions during 15 weeks. The guide contains recipes and everything you have to take care of.

More advantages

You save a lot of time! Not only with the effective workouts, but also because you don`t have to go to the supermarket everyday and stand in the kitchen for hours. The recipes are adjustable and practical – perfect for everyday meals. You can prepare them in no time and don`t leave you bored. More than half of the recipes is vegetarian, so no excuses here.

A lifestyle, not a diet

If you have been dieting before you probably been yo-yo dieting. That is not going to happen with the Freeletics Nutrition Guide. It is all about healthy eating and not about short-term sacrifices and concepts of malnutrition. Your body needs the right things to perform at it`s best.


Coach and guide – your dream team for success

Your little fat pads won`t go even with the training? The solution will be found in the nutrition. You will need the Freeletics Nutrition Guide as a constant companion on your journey. The right combination of the Guide and Freeletics Coach will maximize your results.

The Freeletics Nutrition Guide for muscles belongs to the Strength Coach program. The Freeletics Coach for Cardio or Cardio-Strength is perfect for the diet for burning fat.