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Sophia Thiel’s famous fitness program soon available in English

Sophia Thiel Erfahrungen

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Shape up, lose weight, be happy with Sophia Thiel

German fitness queen Sophia Thiel’s program had a huge impact on the German scene. Hundreds of thousands have followed her example and realized their dream figure. Sophia Thiel knows exactly what she is teaching: She lost 30 kg (about 66 lb) with her own program. Now she sports a sexy six pack and muscles in all the right places. Soon Sophia Thiel’s program will be available in English language. Check it out!

Out of Rosenheim to international fame!

Sophia Thiel was a normal girl, growing up in Rosenheim, Bavaria. All her life she had been a bit chubby and never felt really happy with her body. As a teenager, she put on extra weight and decided to reinvent herself. She studied nutrition and exercise plans and developed her own program, based on the magic of the number three: Three components and three phases, supported by motivation.

Here you find an overview over the Sophia Thiel’s program in English.

Sophia Thiel’s program in English for everybody

Soon after her personal transformation, Sophia Thiel decided to publish her success story. Hundreds of thousands of German women have followed her example and achieved their dream body. The reason for this huge success is the missing secret ingredient. Sophia Thiel’s program does not promise instant success but takes into account that we are all human. You do not need to be an athletic person. It works for absolute beginners just as well.

Convenient exercises and menu plans

What makes Sophia Thiel’s program so outstanding is its convenience. All exercises use your own bodyweight. You can perform them easily in the comfort of your own home. If you want to go to the gym, you can use her second exercise program for weights. This training is coupled with a menu plan that offers tons of recipes, also for vegetarians and vegans. The menu plans focus on lean protein but provide also carbohydrates and the healthy kinds of fat.

Stay focused and motivated by group support

We are all human and we tend to fail – especially when it comes to weight loss. That’s why Sophia Thiel’s program provides several ways of support. Her Facebook group focuses on exchange with fellow woman on the way to their dream figure. Sophia Thiel also delivers motivational messages and is available for live chats.

When you sign up for Sophia Thiel’s program in English, you will receive access to her complete exercise and menu plans and videos. You do not sign up for a subscription. If you choose the twelve-week-program you will receive access for 24 weeks, allowing you to achieve your goal at your own pace. You can also sign up for 15 months.

Here you find detailed information about Sophia Thiel’s program for women in English.

Please note: At the moment the program itself is only available in German language. We will release the English version soon!

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